Monday, 27 June 2011

3 Wishes Faery festival 2011- Day 2

Day two.
Sleeping on a slope is not fun. I kept rolling into Leon who had to push me back up the air bed so he wasn't being pushed out the zipped up door. Coupled with the camping neighbours from hell I did not have a very good nights sleep. Oh yes and it rained heavy during the night too.
That morning we went back into Esther and Martins tent for some porridge and a welcome cup of tea and I decided to wear my skull and cross bone dress seeing as I had brought it all the way with me and I was determined to wear it come rain or shine!

Before going down to the main arena Leon and I took a trip back in to human civilisation to get a few more provisions from Sainsbury's as well as picking up Imelda May's first album for £3. Bargain!
The rest of the day was mingling down at the main arena and watching the faerie fashion show which I wanted to be in but completely forgot about! Oh well I was too full of hay fever to really have done any of the beautiful clothing justice!

I don't know what these two were up too, perhaps trying to locate the beer tent!

This lovely goggled lady was Ziazan La Diva with her barrel organ. A touch of steampunk to the event. Her voice is like stepping back in time.

By now the rain had started again and we headed back to camp where Martin did an amazing job of cooking for about 16 of us. I tip my hat to you sir even though the mead/cider/rum was in full flow by then!
After being well fed it was time to get our pirate gear on for the pirate and mermaid ball! Luckily the rain had ceased by this point and it was great to see so many people make a great effort with their costumes. Leon didn't take any photos down in the arena as he was too drunk to operate the camera. :(
Tonight was time for the Dolmen to take centre stage and they were worth the wait. By now I was feeling very ill with sniffles and sneezing. I was beginning to think my hay fever was in fact a cold but I stood my ground and was so glad I did because I loved dancing to The Dolmen. The sound was a bit off compared to other times I have seen them but they are still a great band to stomp your feet to and was one of my festival highlights.
I crawled into bed that night just praying to the Gods I would pass out and not wake until morning.

Stay tuned for day 3.

Photos by  LJS digital photography

1 comment:

  1. Hey I wasn't too drunk to operate the camera, but you try drinking in one hand and dancing to the dolmen with a £1500 camera/lens combo laying in wake to be smashed ;)
