Wednesday, 2 March 2011

New blog!

Greetings reader to my new blog about my artwork, inspirations and general musings. Don't worry LJ users I will still update there too!

Last month I completed two images. One was a picture entitled Steam Dragons Wars.
This painting proved a challenge to paint and is one of my most detailed yet!
I wanted to paint another dragon as I have not done so in such a long time but I also wanted to do another Steampunk inspired piece so I mixed the two together and created a steam-powered mechanical dragon!
This piece started to develop in to a story line all of it's own. Why did such mechanical beasts exist? For what purpose? A War? Against another air borne machine.. a airship (got to love airships)
And so the story unfolded that two warring faction- The Lactions are Aristocratic and wealthy. Their air ships are grand in design and built with a team of engineers with the best scientists available working on new and advanced technology. This includes cannons, machine guns, Tesla coil powered Harpoon which can be interchanged with a net gun.

The Dragonar's Steam-powered dragons are a old technology but are still masters of the sky. "breathing fire and setting ablaze anything in their path. hydraulic jaws enable then to crush armoured machines effortlessly. Powerful wings propel their bulk with ease. Their shadow on the ground causes fear and panic.

The majority of this work was experimental for me, I wanted to practice my composition, lighting, mood and just try new techniques too.
Any way with out further a do I am pleased to present: Steam Dragon Wars

The next image I finished was very different again and to add to my popular line of bird portraits (the feathered variety!) I like to do my wildlife paintings to bring me back down to earth and marvel at the beauty of nature.The British Kingfisher is one on my favourite birds and I always hope to see one when I go down to the river bank. They are like living jewels in such rich iridescent colours that I hope I captured in my painting.

I am not doing any digital art at the moment as I am busy making beautiful things for my stall at the Faerie Festival in Canterbury over the Easter holiday.

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